About Us

Online Percentage Calculator is a free online tool to help people calculate percentage change between two values. It is a cost-efficient tool designed to be available for everyone without purchasing any specialized software for the purpose. This tool helps people working in various fields such as stocks, sales, profit and loss, finance, and accounting. It can also be used for educational purposes, students can perform percentage change calculations, experiment between different values, or verify their manually computed answers with our calculator. Users can increase their work efficiency by using an online calculator which provides an accurate answer in a few seconds. By providing the minimum input data, users get quick and correct answers hence maximizing their work output. The importance of the tool lies in the fact that it is easy to use and also available across multiple browsers. The calculator performs calculations by using mathematical formulas at the back end and users are just displayed with the output accurate up to two decimal places. It can also find differences for very small values. It is one of the fastest, most accessible, most accurate, and most efficient tools available online. Our mission behind developing the online percentage calculator is to provide people with a user-friendly platform where they can easily compute their percentage changes without having to worry about paying extra charges. This calculator was developed with the best efforts of our team and contained no errors or technical issues. However, we are still open to any constructive feedback from our users. You can report any issue or bug to our team so that future inconveniences can be avoided. We highly appreciate that you took the time to visit our website and use the online calculator. Share our website with your friends and other people to let them know about this amazing tool available for free.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a percentage? What is the importance of percentage?

A percentage is a number expressed as a fraction of a hundred. The term ‘percent’ means several parts per hundred. Percentages are used to display statistics and financial aspects of life. Discounts, Sales, Revenue, inflation rates, results of a survey, and many other statistics are displayed in percentages.

Is the percentage calculator free to use?

The online percentage calculator is free to use. Users don’t have to sign up, agree to certain conditions, or pay any hidden charges to use it. It is a free service available for anyone with an internet connection.

Why do percentage changes are calculated?

Percentage changes are calculated to find the difference between two values in the form of percentages. It is often beneficial to determine the difference in percentage as it is easy to track the change over time. It can also be used to compare values from different periods.